Crediting and Branding
We love it when people share pictures of our network of cameras, but we do have some rules to not infringe upon copyrights of the camera owners, sponsors, and network owners.
Each network of cameras has separate rules; depending on which network you're viewing (ALERTCalifornia, ALERTNevada, etc.), please follow their crediting and branding guidelines (links provided below). In addition, we ask that you adhere to the following rules specific to the ALERTWest system:
ALERTWest live camera feeds are available for public use with credit.
CREDIT: we require the appropriate verbiage as outlined by our partners to be used (see links below), if no verbiage is specified by a partner network then "ALERTWest's Situational Awareness Platform" when clips are displayed on screen, text captions, etc. Additionally, verbal acknowledgement is also recommended, credit "ALERTWest's Situational Awareness Platform” on air.
Tag @ALERTWest if sharing a photo, screen grab, or video on social media.
Do not crop or remove the black information bar at the bottom of screen grabs and video.
Do not crop or remove partner logos.